Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why You Should Drink Kefir

Kefir, which means 'feel good" in Turkish, is an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem" to regain health and rebuild immunity. Kefir's tart and refreshing flavor is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, but it contains beneficial yeast as well as the friendly 'probiotic' bacteria found in yogurt. When used regularly, the naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in kefir combine symbiotically to replenish our intestinal flora and boost our immunity. Among its many restorative powers, kefir will:

  • provide supplemental nourishment for pregnant and nursing women
  • contribute to a healthy immune system and help fortify patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and cancer
  • promote a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system and benefit many who suffer from sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • help relieve all intestinal disorders, promote bowel movement, reduce flatulence, create a healthier digestive system -- and is an absolute must after the use of antibiotics to restore balance to the digestive tract
  • curb unhealthy food cravings by making the body more nourished and balanced